Monday, August 15, 2011

February ~ 2011

20. The Primal Blueprint...Mark Sisson
21. Neanderthin...Ray Audette
22. The Paleo Diet...Loren Cordain

23. The Double Comfort Safari Club...Alexander McCall Smith

I was finally able to force myself to finish this book. I don't know what my problem was...I usually really enjoy this series. Hopefully, I won't have the same problem next month when the newest one comes out.

24. The Clan of the Cave Bear...Jean Auel
25. The Valley of the Horses...Jean Auel
26. The Mammoth Hunters...Jean Auel
27. The Plains of Passage...Jean Auel
28. The Shelters of Stone...Jean Auel

I still love this series! I think I started them too soon, though...there's still about a month before The Painted Caves comes out!

29. In the Land of Long Fingernails: A Gravedigger in the Age of Aquarius...Charles Wilkins

This book was okay. It had some slow areas and it seemed like they spent most of their time smoking marijuana. I really wish he had more information on the actual graveyard and what went in it. There were a few tantalizing tidbits of graveyard history, but not enough.

In the summer of 1969, author and journalist Wilkins (High on the Big Stone Heart) got a summer job as a gravedigger in a Toronto cemetery. His strange-but-true memoir of that summer will fascinate, disturb and most certainly entertain. From a gravedigger's strike to the exhumation of (most of) a corpse, the rogues and oddballs that Wilkins works alongside will both compel and repulse; a perfect example is Wilkins's abrasive, alcoholic, Scottish foreman, whose hostility belies (though sometimes reveals) a touching sense of humanity. Set against a turbulent era, the cemetery seems to exist outside of time, in a realm of intractable taboo, a curious combination of irreverence and sanctity that Wilkins captures effortlessly. With a deft command of both character and language, Wilkins's story could easily double as an out-there novel, but of course it's all the more engaging for its authenticity. Wilkins distills his bizarre day-to-day into a cohesive narrative and a compelling commentary on the times, a perfect trip for those who weren't able to take off work for the Summer of Love.

30. Primal Body, Primal Mind...Nora Gedgaudas

Interesting, but basically all the same info I've read in other Primal/Paleo books.

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